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Driven to Fast | Nano Study | Excerpt From: Fasting: Targeting The Heart of God | Share The Lamb TV
Let's be honest. The majority of us do not fast often. But that's why certain times in our life drive us there. Have you ever been in a situ
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Fast Unseen | Nano Study | Excerpt From: Fasting: Targeting The Heart of God | Share The Lamb TV
Why do you fast? Is it to please God? Pastor Reid shows us that pleasing God in your fast is literally not what it looks like
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The Gift of Fasting | Nano Study | Excerpt From: Fasting: Targeting The Heart of God | Share The Lamb TV
At the start of the year, many people begin fasting. However, many of them think that it's a burden, a diet, or simply missing a meal.
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The Care of The Commandment | Nano Study | Excerpt From: Broad and Narrow Doors | Share The Lamb TV
You know God cares for you. Don't you? Pastor Reid reminds us that He does, and He shows it to us in a very important way.
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Love Commands | Nano Study | Excerpt From: Broad and Narrow Doors | Share The Lamb TV
It's easy to say that we love God. The relationship of love that we have with God is revealed in the simple power of obedience.
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Trust The Path | Nano Study | Excerpt From: Broad and Narrow Doors | Share The Lamb TV
We walk by faith, and not by sight. No matter where it seems like the path God has you on is going, never be afraid to follow Him.
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Don't Pick The Wrong Door | Nano Study | Excerpt From: Broad and Narrow Doors | Share The Lamb TV
Some of the greatest problems we face in our lives come not from the paths we take, but the doors we open
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Comfort In Small Spaces | Nano Study | Excerpt From: Heavenly Doors | Share The Lamb TV
We typically despise tight spaces. But as we learn about doors, we discover that tight spaces are often times blessings God has for us
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Open and Shut Blessings | Nano Study | Excerpt From: Heavenly Doors | Share The Lamb TV
Some blessings don't look like you think. God has many blessings that He uses to show His great care for us through doors open and shut!
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Ask for The Rain | Nano Study | Exerpt From: Heavenly Doors | Share The Lamb TV
The season of rain is not always here, but Pastor Reid shows us that, when it comes, that's the time to lift up your voice to God and ask
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This is How You Wait | Nano Study | Excerpt from: "Lifting Our Soul to God" | Share The Lamb TV
How do you wait? Sounds like a simple question, but would you believe it if we said that most of us don't wait correctly?
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Who Repays You? | Nano Study | Excerpt from: "Lifting Our Soul to God" | Share The Lamb TV
Pastor Reid shows us that when we give, we should give heartedly, as unto the Lord, because He is the only one to give us what we expect
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The Confidence of Waiting | Nano Study | Excerpt from: "Lifting Our Soul to God" | Share The Lamb TV
God doesn't let us serve in vain, He promises that those that serve and wait for Him can expect a reward.
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First and Only | Nano Study | Excerpt from: "Lifting Our Soul to God" | Share The Lamb TV
When things are going wrong, what comes to mind first? Who are you going to call? Jesus of course. Pastor Reid reminds us that God is first.
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You Can't Hide It | Nano Study | Excerpt from: "Justice Done" | Share The Lamb TV
You cannot run, nor can you hide, from the light of God that shines inside! So what are you waiting on? Obey God's call and shine
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The Glory of Good Works | Nano Study | Excerpt from: "Justice Done" | Share The Lamb TV
Good works are good (as the name suggests). Pastor Reid reminds us that the true purpose for every good work is to glorify our good Father..
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You Can Be Light | Nano Study | Excerpt from: Meekness of Justice | Share The Lamb TV
What more could we possibly add to the opportunity to walk and live in the light of Christ? How about being it? Answer the call and be Light
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Guided With a Purpose | Nano Study | Excerpt from: Meekness of Justice | Share The Lamb TV
Because God has a plan, we can humble ourselves under His perfect wisdom and follow Him as we are guided with a purpose.
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Children of Meekness | Nano Study | Excerpt From: The Meekness of Justice | Share The Lamb TV
Pastor Reid reminds us that meekness and humility make us like our Father, and puts us in position to inherit what we could never achieve
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Just Be and Trust | Nano Study | Excerpt From: Hope to the Finish | Share The Lamb TV
Consider the lilies of the field, they neither toil or spin... what do they do instead? They simply wait on God and be who they are.
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