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Keep Looking Forward | The Prayer Gathering LIVE
In this Prayer Gathering, we are admonished to take our eyes off the rear-view mirror and look ahead to the glorious destination.
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Seeking The Face of the Lord | The Prayer Gathering LIVE
This week in the Prayer Gathering, we discover that we do not need to be hesitant to respond when God calls us to seek His face.
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Contentment | The Prayer Gathering LIVE
As we recollect on God's continual faithfulness, we are encouraged by Hebrew 13:4 that tells us that we can trust God and be content with...
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Treasures of the Heart | The Prayer Gathering LIVE
As we celebrate what God has done for us on Calvary, we examine the state of our heart and where the investments of our heart are deposited.
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It's Gonna Be Okay | The Prayer Gathering LIVE
In this week's Prayer Gathering, we learn how to mature in God as we be patient with the time it takes to grow into where God is calling us.
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Faith: Our Most Valuable Gift | The Prayer Gathering LIVE
Reminded that without faith, it is impossible to please God, we learning the value of our Faith over anything we could covet in this world
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Desperate for Outstanding | The Prayer Gathering LIVE
Are you desperate for the Lord? This week, Pastor Reid asks us whether we're satisfied with where we are in God or are we desperate for more
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Majesty | The Prayer Gathering LIVE
Looking at Jude 1:24-25, we learn we learn to trust Jesus as the only wise God and our savior, who is able to keep us from falling...
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Healing The Land | The Prayer Gathering LIVE
In troubling times, we often look to 2 Chronicles 7:14. In this weeks Prayer Gathering, we are told how we are to walk these verses out...
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Prayer Without Ceasing | The Prayer Gathering LIVE
With everything that is going on, our prayers are needed more than ever. In this Prayer Gathering, we're reminded to pray without ceasing...
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A Gathering of Prayer | The Prayer Gathering LIVE
In this week's Prayer Gathering, the people of God assemble together to pray and seek God for his mercy, his peace, and his will.
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Fervent Love | The Prayer Gathering LIVE
In this special Valentine's Day Prayer Gathering, Pastor Reid shows us a picture of the kind of love that is worth celebrating above all...
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The Goal: A Healthy Body of Christ | Bible Study | Share The Lamb TV
What makes the Body of Christ healthy? In this lesson, learn how you can help the Body of Christ grow by using your gifts unto edification.
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Forgiveness And The Lord's Prayer | Prayer Gathering
In taking another look at the crucial act of forgiveness, Pastor Reid delves into the Lord's prayer and shows us how essential it is.
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Forgiveness | Prayer Gathering
In this week's Prayer Gathering, Pastor Reid admonishes us to let go of things and people from the past, as Christ has forgiven us.
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Gratitude, Confidence, and Joy | The Prayer Gathering
When you think about those God has placed in your life what do you do? In this week's Prayer Gathering, we are reminded to thank God...
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Receive It In Your Heart | The Prayer Gathering
In this week's Prayer Gathering, Pastor Reid shows how we hear the lord - through receiving the word of God in our heart.
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Seeking The Presence of the Lord | The Prayer Gathering
Seeking The Presence of The Lord | The Prayer Gathering What is one thing you desire? This week and in this new year, let us find a place...
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The Power of Home Worship (Part 3) | Share The Lamb TV
Share the Lamb TV continues its timely study on the power and value of the home and its worship.
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Ready for Something New This Christmas | The Prayer Gathering
Are you ready for something new? In this week's Prayer Gathering, Pastor Reid looks at the new day that dawned on Christmas.
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Watch The Prayer Gathering LIVE Now
Wednesday Nights @ 7:30pm ET



The Prayer Gathering LIVE #100
It's been an hundred Prayer Gatherings! Join us live as we celebrate 100 gatherings of prayer and agreement!